My Blogging Experience

My initial feelings about creating and maintaining a blog was absolute terror. The thought of having my thoughts and feelings out there for anyone to see was unnerving. I wasn’t overly worried about the technical aspects of creating the blog, although it took forever to figure out everything, I was far more concerned with…What the heck am I going to write about? Generally, I am a person of a few words and a limited imagination and having to write fifteen articles on information technology was quite a stretch for me. I was EXTREMELY happy when the assignment was reduced to ten. Writing a two hundred word article is not what takes a long time, it was coming up with a subject and then researching that subject so I could somewhat write about it intelligently. I found I was consumed with my blog project and then my group project leaving little time to actually focus on the text book, which I’m sorry to say got little to none attention. I am attempting to finish this project early so I can try to focus on the rest of this course for the final exam in a week.
A few suggestions for the next session of MIS at U de M; I think one article a week plus an appreciation article is fair. In addition, I think the subject of the articles should be current events and not just limited to information technology.
Overall, I did begin to enjoy my blogging experience. After all, it was not the project; it was the time constraints, which made it less enjoyable. This project has allowed me to express myself like never before. I have re-discovered my enjoyment for technology through all my research. I am grateful that this project was part of the Management Information Systems program; it has given me a great sense of accomplishment. I think I will create another blog site for fun; it will be fun to maintain one with my friends.
A few suggestions for the next session of MIS at U de M; I think one article a week plus an appreciation article is fair. In addition, I think the subject of the articles should be current events and not just limited to information technology.
Overall, I did begin to enjoy my blogging experience. After all, it was not the project; it was the time constraints, which made it less enjoyable. This project has allowed me to express myself like never before. I have re-discovered my enjoyment for technology through all my research. I am grateful that this project was part of the Management Information Systems program; it has given me a great sense of accomplishment. I think I will create another blog site for fun; it will be fun to maintain one with my friends.